At RCRC we work with athletes of all levels, assisting them with their recovery and maximizing their performance! With regular competition and training both recreational and competitive athletes can sustain a wide variety of soft tissue injuries. Most of these injuries are as a result of direct trauma or repetitive stress/strain and can lead to a significant amount of down time for the athlete.

Our team carefully assess every athletes by examining joint range of motion and  utilizing specific orthopedic, chiropractic, and neurological tests to evaluate the static and dynamic function of the specific joints. We examine the biomechanical chain of joints (ex. with a knee injury, the hip and foot are assessed) to determine the cause of the injury as well as treating the injury itself.

When the problem area is identified we use a combination of joint mobilizations or manipulations and soft tissue techniques, to restore the joints mobility and muscle efficacy. Athletes of all skill levels and ages can benefit greatly from chiropractic care as it can speed recovery time and help prevent future injuries!



Also known as plantar heel pain syndrome and heel spur syndrome, is a condition that is caused from inflammation of the plantar fascia. Often it is felt as a stabbing pain in the central or medial heel, worse in the mornings or after a long period of sitting, and is a common disorder in long distance runners.

Management: Includes optimizing the range of motion of the talocrual-ankle-range and addressing the site of the plantar fascia injury with soft tissue techniques, laser therapy, and appropriate home care (icing, stretching and massage).


Ilio-tibial (IT) band syndrome is a common condition in many long distance runners and is characterized by lateral (outside) knee pain without a traumatic onset. Pain initially begins during running and may progress to pain at rest especially walking down stairs. It is caused by a tight IT band that rubs against the lateral knee. Pronation of the foot and downhill running often predispose this condition.

Management: Includes assessing the biomechanical chain of joints, (ex: the foot, knee, hip and lumbo-sacral joints), as well as breaking adhesions within the IT band with soft tissue therapy and stretching.


Shin splints present as anterior (front) or posterior (back) lower leg pain. Anterior pain is due to dysfunction of the muscles in the front of the leg, the tibialis anterior and the toe extensors. Posterior pain is due to dysfunction of the muscles in the back of the leg, the toe flexors and tibialis posterior.

Management: Changing old running shoes will often dramatically help the problem, but treatment with muscle release, and assessment of the foot, knee, hip and low back joints is often necessary.


Impingement syndrome often presents as pain with overhead activities, such as the serve in tennis or in competitive swimmers. It can be due to numerous structures such as the biceps tendon, the shoulder labrum, supraspinatus tendon, or the subacromial bursae.

Management: Shoulder mobilization/adjustment techniques in conjunction with Myofascial Release Techniques (MRT)  of the muscles/ tendons on the affected structure as well as shoulder/scapular rehabilitation.


Lateral epicondylitis, or tennis elbow, is a common overuse syndrome of the elbow noted in racquet sports. Pain is noted at the outer portion of the elbow. Elbow biomechanics play an important role in overhead and racquet sporting activities including tennis and squash. EMG studies show improper backhand biomechanics are often the causative factor in development of tennis elbow. Pathology specifically is placed at the extensors of the wrist, which originate at the elbow or the radial nerve.

Management: Chiropractic care, including MRT, has shown 71% efficacy rate for treatment of peripheral overuse syndromes when associated with rehabilitation protocols in numerous case reports (Howitt, 2006).


Medial epicondylitis, or golfers elbow, has a similar presentation to tennis elbow. Golfers elbow is on the inside of the elbow, unlike tennis elbow which is on the outside. It is due to a dysfunction and inflammation of the wrist flexor tendons.

Management: Includes mobilization adjustment of the elbow, assessing the biomechanical chain of joints, and utilizing soft tissue techniques such as MRT to break adhesions that are negatively affecting the proper muscle function and range of motion.


Lumbo-sacral sprain/strains are often defined as an acutely painful low back, often with associated muscular spasm, with or without known onset. The repetitive twisting motion of the golf swing without proper warm up and stretch routine can lead to the low back becoming strained. Improper follow through, in which the low back hyper extends, is also a causative factor.

Management: Often an underlying muscle and joint inequality puts people at risk for lumbar spine sprain or strain. Chiropractic low back and sacro-iliac (SI) adjustive techniques allow for the correct movement through the spine, and core and spine rehabilitation can retrain the muscular inequalities.